
Author: larissa

Search Engine Optimization is a tool that allows your website or blog to appear more relevant than other competitor sites within a relatively similar industry. SEO has become a favorite tool for people especially with the rise of online businesses and the need to direct...

Businesses today require not only good marketing strategies to sell their services and products but also an active online presence. Your online presence cannot just happen on one platform, and you need to be everywhere to have a global presence. Facebook and Google, for instance,...

Tracking the statistics and data for a site can be overwhelming but beneficial. You can see the traffic that your site gets as well as learn about your visitors and the site’s overall performance on the market. Many statistical analysis sites can help you, such...

From interactive infographics and videos on Facebook to images that evoke an emotional response from your Instagram followers, sharing valuable content on your social networks is an optimal way to amplify loyalty and cultivate new revenue. Leveraging social media outlets to elevate brand awareness and...

While digital advancements have made design applications easily accessible for public use, enlisting the help of a professional graphic designer is the best way to visually communicate your message in an effective and aesthetically pleasing manner. Words alone are not as impactful as an illustrated...

Boss Life is a commonly known slang term for doing "boss related activities" or "dealing with the day-to-day things in a leadership perspective."   Here at Design Moves LLC, we deal with bosses or directors of bosses all the time. We would like to take this opportunity...