
Your social media is booming… What’s next?

Your social media is booming… What’s next?

Your social media is lively and active… What’s next?

It wasn’t long since you’ve put up your social media account to promote your business, and now you can’t believe it has amassed a strong following. Sure, you celebrated this milestone. But shortly after, you ask yourself questions like, “What’s next?” “What else is in store for my social media?” “How can I keep this momentum going?”
Having established a massive social media following is definitely not the end of the road for your account. The truth is there’s a lot more you can do to maintain your strong online presence so you can take full advantage of it’s benefits for your business. Updating your account regularly to make it in sync with the latest trends in social media is worth your time and effort.
Once you’ve built up a great following, that shouldn’t make you stay complacent. Instead you should work harder to sustain it. Given that social media developments come and go very quickly, you must be able to capture those breakthroughs and integrate them into your social media accounts.
Here are seven tips you can use to keep the momentum going on your social media account.
Learn more about: Top Utilized Social Media Channels for Business

Through our emarketing consulting background, we’ve gathered these items to help! 


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1. Quality control

Quality in content marketing is everything. For one, it can impact your search ranking. Before posting anything on your social media account, make sure that the content passes certain quality standards. A simple grammatical error or misspelled word can send a signal to your readers about your carelessness and lack of keenness with details. For example, you may easily create a series of provocative blog posts that show how your brand advocates are the most experienced in their field. But if their content is peppered with grammatical mistakes and typos, this can leave your audience unimpressed.
Aside from spelling, grammatical errors, and typos, you also need to deal with other issues relative to your content such as the visual components. Images and videos are great enhancers to your written article or blog post. You cannot simply underestimate their power in conveying impactful information or messages. However, what images or videos you choose to put in your content makes all the difference. You may have the perfect written article but if the images/videos that come along with it do not speak to your readers, then these are useless. Also, it’s very important that you use images and videos that are free from copyright restrictions. This will keep you out of trouble. Make certain that you don’t use images or clips with watermarks. These are not only huge distractions but also disappointments to your audience.

2. Use your audience for feedback

Your audience’s comments, opinions, and critics are essential tools for enhancing your business pages. And social media is an effective channel through which valuable feedback from your customers can be obtained. Social media allows you to create a poll or survey and ask your audience to share their thoughts about something related to your products or services. Both positive and negative feedback are equally important. So take the time to find out what other people think about your business or brand and learn from them. Some may push you to continue what you’re doing while others will offer you suggestions or advice on how to improve your craft.
Negative feedback is inevitable but don’t be disheartened by them. Not all awful remarks are damaging to your business. So try to gain as much insight as possible from them. For example, a dissatisfied customer posted an unfavorable comment about your product and called it out on social media. The challenge for you now is how to respond to this post in such a way that it enhances your business reputation and still keeps your social media standing. You can come up with possible solutions to address the product-related issues and maintain positive relationships with your followers.

3. Caption your videos

Videos are continuously increasing in importance and popularity. And users of this digital recording extend to the community of people with special needs, such as the deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Therefore, making these videos accessible to this group has been part of the continuing changes in technology. Specifically, this gives rise to the importance of captioning.
Many organizations have been recently facing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) social media related legal problems for failure to provide captions on their videos. Those who were made aware of this and don’t want to be sued tried their best not to take captioning for granted.
Government organizations that are engaging in their social media presence should be the first to start captioning their videos on all published platforms. Make sure that your videos comply with ADA requirements. This means that all videos or clips you put in your content, regardless of their length and type, must have proper captions to cater to the needs of your deaf and hard of hearing audience.
Learn more about: Platforms Most Utilizing Video Marketing

4. Make sure your content has a Call-to-Action

Great content does not only entail quality text and visual components, but a great incentive that can turn visitors into real customers would be to utilize a Call-to-Action. As most people claim, the Call to Action is the most important section of your site. They tell your audience to do something immediately. If your readers become interested in engaging with your business, they’ll look for something at the bottom of your post on what to do next hence what action to take. This is where your CTA would come in.
For example, you can ask them to subscribe to an email list or provide you their contact details. This will keep you connected with your potential clients and you can reach out to them again in the future. Missing this out is a big mistake and can hurt your chances of getting leads that can be converted to sales.

5. Maintain social engagement

Posting quality and engaging content to your social media accounts on a regular basis will make readers come back and even ask for more. Therefore, it’s a must to keep that momentum up. Lessening both your posting frequency and quality can also reduce your chance of achieving social media success.
Imagine having hundreds of thousands followers and they have not heard from you for a while, you might be missing out on having more clients for your business. Remember, your social media accounts can be powerful tools that drive potential sales. The more you provide something of value to your readers, the more information they can get from you. As a result, you are more likely to make an abundance of customers. Keep in mind that your social media platform should have a corresponding posting frequency that works well for you.
But social media success is not all about posting frequency. This must come along with high-quality content. Again, you can post as many posts on your site as often as you want. But if these do not provide value to your audience, then you cannot expect them to connect with you. If you want to gain their trust and establish credibility, you must practice consistency in posting quality content as often as possible.

6. Use your influence for good

Admit it, building your social media influence did not happen overnight. You went the extra mile in order to get good results. Now that you have it, make sure to use your influence for good. Let others know of your achievements and inspire them to follow your steps.
One of the easiest ways you can do that is by connecting with other businesses and professionals or organizations that share your vision. Building relationships with a group of entrepreneurs that have the same interests as yours means a lot in the digital world. The moment you start engaging with others and sharing their content, that gives birth to a connection that can potentially grow further. For example, if you promote events that your business supports, your partners are more likely to return the gesture. As this happens, both sides get benefitted and gain wider audience exposure.
You need to be careful though when reaching out to others. Plan carefully who you will contact and what you’ll tell them. Do not just send out requests randomly or lengthy direct messages to just anyone you saw online. Instead, focus on the number of connections you can make, then prioritize establishing strong relationships with like-minded professionals.

7. Collaborate with other influencers

Social media influencers are those who have already established a strong following online. You need to find at least one of them to collaborate with. Take note that the influencers you need are those of the same level of engagement and followers as yours. That means you need to team up with influential individuals or social media pages that cater to the same target audience that you have. Be careful though not to contact influencers who can be direct competitors of your business.
For example, if you sell women’s apparel, you can approach different fashion designers in your area, textile manufacturers, popular fashion and style bloggers, or anyone who talks about clothing. Also, be prepared to negotiate a price for these influencers to endorse your business or brand to their devoted followers. A collaboration that turns positive for both parties facilitates exchange of markets.
Matching the number of followers and engagement with influencers that are within a relative industry can help you cross markets and expand in more ways than one. The goal is always quality over quantity. The more loyal and direct followers you have, the stronger your network will become.
Following the above mentioned steps can help you make your massive social media following last. To defy complacency you have to keep on innovating. That will make it more likely that your social media will retain its effectiveness in attracting and keeping followers.


Thanks for reading! Any emarketing consulting needs feel free to reach out to us for the next round of social media and internet marketing related tips. Emarketing is great benefit because you are able to contribute less of an advertisement dollar to your overall bottom line and it is almost real-time tracking on your efforts!
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