12 Oct Whats new in Design moves 2022
Howdy there!
I know it’s been a minute since we last chatted to the blogosphere so we wanted to give you a synopsis from what has happened since COVID.
In the late 2020, we had a purchased a commercial property across the street in a private building in Oakland Park and continued to service our lovely private + government clients since then. We have downsized, moved our staff remotely and focused on SEO/Social Media Services solely until further notice.
We are currently not accepting new clients in order to fulfill our current client’s demands and everything for the most part has been kosher. In the midst of these changes, the owner built a wine bar locally and have been taking sometime to setup that new venture, putting our marketing skills to the test.
We indeed practice what we preach 😉
What COVID Has Taught Us
From the creation of the template of this site, down to several other adjustments were made as the panic rose from a lot of us marketers that we were NOT deemed “essential workers” at the time. Luckily our track record and integrity proved to ourselves that we are needed just as much as the other industries within the communications field and fortunately we did not lose much revenue from the pandemic. This did spur however the need for different avenues to grow within the marketing field, from continued education, to teaching and setting up other marketable business entities that we intend to own. We are after all a marketing company that LOVES entrepreneurship and business as much as the entrepreneur themselves, and so that is what we will continue to do (or as they say “put skin in the game” )
Plans for the Future
We intend on eventually opening our doors for new clients however we need to find qualified staff to be able to fit our needs as a company and most importantly service our clients adequately, which as you know is not an easy venture for those who have been in the industry for quite a bit. (please send resumes to info@dmoves.com)
Waves of Change
Our priorities will remain to have honest expectations, killer strategies and support our team like the humans we are.
Ciao for now!