


Search Engine Optimization is a tool that allows your website or blog to appear more relevant than other competitor sites within a relatively similar industry. SEO has become a favorite tool for people especially with the rise of online businesses and the need to direct traffic to your website to increase profitability. A lot of people have this notion that SEO is an extremely technical tool that can only be deciphered by tech gurus and computer geeks. However, this assumption is greatly exaggerated in the actual sense almost every computer literate person can use this tool to boost your presence online.
SEO forces the website owners to keep track of the number of visitors their website site gets and get a grasp of the overall leads/conversion rates from online efforts. SEO also focuses on the proper placement of specific relevant keywords that will increase traffic to your site.
SEO Tools track public engagement by showing you where most of your traffic is coming from whether organic searches or paid advertisements on social media. So if you have an event you are trying to advertise, or promoting a product, utilizing SEO through specified keywords can assist through most objectives.
SEO is the practice of increasing quality and quantity of traffic on your website. The more qualified traffic on your site the better, as it means more people are learning about your product and the potential of selling your product increases.


Unlike other forms of addiction that are potentially detrimental to your health and causes pain to all the close relationships around you and even impacting the economy at large because you won’t be functioning at the highest capacity and or maximizing your potential. SEO is the opposite of all these. SEO is potentially the answer to so many online problems and even offline at large for your online business.
Search engines, especially search related are aligning the ideal customer with your type of business or website purpose. The most common business problem faced by online companies is the lack of business leads. Business leads are heavily needed so that they necessarily turn into customers. Businesses have discovered the use of SEO to counter the impacts of slow seasons or lower business sales. Also, remember that websites are accessible at any time of day from which opens the potential opportunity for awareness 24 hours a day. At the very core of online marketing, SEO is a staple. Efficient use of the tools will lead to maximum lead potential.
By optimization of your website, you’re automatically improving your website. Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo all want to see better user interfaces and mobile-friendly sites. These activities will in effect promote your website as well as your ranking on the search engines.
By optimizing your site, you are increasing the reputability of your business and engagement. SEO 101 states that you should know your potential market and understand what they want and aim to provide for their need efficiently. Once you have successfully done this, you need to improve the ranking of your business by searching for appropriate vital words and phrases after that implement their use on your site and also reach out to blogs to promote your website using links. The more keywords that rank, the more opportunities to build engagement with your services.


• Buffalo Wild Wings struggled with their marketing when they first launched. After using local SEO, the business experienced incredible results.
• FedEx also struggled to bring in consistent web traffic. After using SEO increased organic traffic by 50%.
There are so many individual companies out there which provide for similar testimonials regardless the size of the organization. Deciding to use or not to use SEO will have a significant effect on your business.
Having an online presence is essential. SEO helps businesses grow and scale. Its, therefore, no wonder that companies globally are spending a lot of time and energy researching and figuring out new marketing strategies. Join the bandwagon and watch your business grow before your eyes.


Here at Design Moves, (based in South Florida), we practice what we preach, and we are hooked on the significant benefits SEO has to offer. Yes, it is a marathon, not a sprint. However the fruits of our labor we see in both clients and ourselves that make the difference. For more information on our practical approaches, please give us a call at 954-338-3004 or email us at
