23 Mar Ideas for Improving Your Business During The Coronavirus Quarantine
In the midst or beginning stages rather here in South Florida during the Coronavirus pandemic, we wanted to help provide some ideas as well as questions for reflection in trying to make productive changes amongst this long road ahead.
Times are changing… but the real question is, are you adapting?
Heres a recap: (here in South Florida as of today)
- Products being imported to the United States are either being delayed or haulted
- Businesses that are not considered “essential” are being closed
- Businesses that require a physical location are losing revenue due to the quarantine
- Restaurants and Bars are only doing take-out or deliveries during this time, which may result in an 70% or more reduction in revenue
- Travel has been halted for many countries and states affecting many industries across the board
- The global stock market has dropped a tremendous amount which is a reflection of this economic state
On a positive note…
So proud of my dad! Through the remaining supplies on his small restobar he made food for frontliners in Tuguegarao. I know that he knows this will be very hard times for his small business and yet here he his. My super hero!
— Lord R. (@dailyvagabond) March 22, 2020
I love you Daddy! pic.twitter.com/0cHYEJvkrV
here are some reflective business questions to consider for adaptation during coronavirus
- Can your business be online fully or partially? How?
- Do you have a website where your business can be found outside of the local community?
- Has your local listings been updated recently? Has your hours changed since now?
- Have you looked up your local disaster relief websites from your local government for assistance?
(Florida: https://floridadisasterloan.org/) - What can you do during this time that will have the most positive impact on your business?
- What can you cut out of your business today that is serving you least?
- What are your competitors doing to adapt? What can you do better?
- How can your business be more online, and transparent?
- Have you considered creating valuable content during this time to inform your customers what you are up to and your expertise?
- What in your business have you pushed in the back-burner and now have the time to do?
- How can you improve your user-customer experience if it was transitioned online?
- What services or products that compliment your business can you bring online?
- What new skills or lessons can you learn during this time to improve your business from e-learning?
Link: List of useful Business Resources here
Here’s what experts are saying:
- As people are working remotely now, companies are more at risk of cyber security threats.
(read more: https://www.zdnet.com/article/effective-strategies-and-tools-for-remote-work-during-coronavirus/ )
- E-commerce and mail deliveries will boom! Because quite frankly we have no other choice.
(read more: https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/opinion/how-to-adapt-your-strategy-during-the-coronavirus-lockdown–and-what-to-anticipate-after-the-crisis-is-over/3409 )
Ideas for getting your business productive under quarantine
#1 Keep yourself and your organization safe from the virus
Please be safe guys, this is not a joke.
#2 Consider Social Media to interact with potential prospects
And I mean actually: comment, like, share, follow and DM. Social Media is a two way street, stop considering businesses as just “posting” onto your feed. Think of each social platform as a cocktail party, walk by someone, say hi, smile..interact! The more you do so, the closer to an actual video chat and when this is all said and done .. an actual meeting.
#3 SEO is for those with time on their side
With SEO, you can potentially work on it on your own however it is a bit cumbersome.. we know how it is. Now is a great time to: conduct a keyword research, and start updating your title tags with those keywords. Start commenting on forums within your niche and be heard online. We are after all forced to stay inside, why not interact business wise? More tips found here: SEO INFO
#4 Look at those above questions as a way to strategize
Take a step back and think about what activities you need to be doing now to prepare before the gateways open again and business resumes. DO NOT TAKE A QUARANTINE VACATION. Just a thought. Maybe a nap if you’re stressed.
#5 Establish tools for your team to work remotely for however long it may be
One of the major problems that this pandemic is bringing is the lack of actual timeline where this will all end. We don’t know when we have “flattened the curve” of the virus or when we can go back to our regular routine and even then… what the economy is going to be looking like thereafter.
#6 Keep going
Many businesses were started during the 08 recession where there was an enormous amount of layoffs and budget cuts. As a business owner, what you hunt you eat, and that hasn’t changed. The main difference is that the way we hunt has changed.
#7 Get online your business online if your not
Being that things are for certain shifting, please start building an online reference of where people can find you. Have an asset not by solely having a facebook or instagram (where they can remove your page on a whim if they like). The larger your website grows with traffic and other factors, the more it retains its equity similar to a house. For those that have sites, please run a back up! (cyber security threats are also a big thing now)
Marketing Tips while under quarantine
Reference: https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/how-to-survive-a-brand-quarantine-during-coronavirus/
- Create Video Content – Interviews
- Update Marketing Collateral
- Update Website Information or Rebrand Website
- Strategize content for Social Media Platforms
More marketing tips and tricks here: Marketing Articles
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We hope this helps y’all. Be safe and stay sane. – Larissa