
The Art of Google Adwords

The Art of Google Adwords

Businesses today require not only good marketing strategies to sell their services and products but also an active online presence. Your online presence cannot just happen on one platform, and you need to be everywhere to have a global presence. Facebook and Google, for instance, have different approaches to their advertisements and brings in various results to the table.

How do you use Google Adwords?

There is a vast majority who click on Google ads and Googlers have an objective at that. You would only get people who are interested in what you have to offer and can be a great strategy if you do it right.

Here are some ideas for utilizing Google Adwords

  • Advertise an event
  • Sell a product or service
  • Lead capturing efforts
  • Promote a free trial

If you’re planning to launch a Google Adwords campaign, here are a few things to keep in mind before getting started:

1. Google Adwords is essentially an art

Getting your keywords right and setting your Adwords campaign can be a challenging and time-consuming job. It requires trial and error, bidding on the right keywords, and patience. Before utilizing your ad budget, we suggest you do some research as to how to setup a campaign correctly. Misusing an AdWords campaign could have you throwing out money that is not generating any prospects.
Having an Adwords expert on your side for this job can help you with your entire campaign process and even tell you how your ads are working.

2. Adwords is a buyers’ market

Facebook’s ads take a different type of targeted approach depending on the things their users might be of interest. Facebook ads intend to give you users who are more likely to take an interest in your services and products. However, Google’s ads are more search-based and thus, provide you with a niche audience. Here the audience is more reliable as they search for the product they want to purchase. This way, the ad campaigns can provide direct objective results and a medium even before the browser loads the results.

3. High Click Thru Rate

High Click Thru Rates are the “cost per click” rate on the Google Adwords panel. In competitive keywords, it can cost you an upwards of $25+ per click. High click thru rates can be a cause of concern if you have just started out your Adwords campaign. However, there’s a workaround for this situation. You can always find better keywords, and if they’re too expensive, you can opt for longer tail keywords or some other alternatives. Apart from that, there are many loopholes which can help you get your desired keywords for lesser money. Easing this process, an expert can assist with this dilemma.

4. Benefits of having an expert by your side

An expert not only helps you find the best keywords for your Adwords campaign, but they also contribute to tracking it after its launch. An expert is good at recognizing any spammers that may be out to waste your money and can monitor various conversions of the ad. They can also create various re-targeted campaigns as well as put an end to a negatively-converting campaign well before you would normally catch it.

5. Invest in your business

It is indeed important to spend more time and money in the customers that may be returning. A sale may require some time and money from your end, but once the first purchase is made, the goal is to have customers come back a second, third and fourth time. The beginning stages of building your network will become fruitful down the road when you start to get referrals organically.
Hopefully, this provides some insight towards building another outlet to building your customer base. Google Adwords is a tricky beast however if done properly; you will surely reap the benefits. Subscribe below and share the post if you have found the information useful!


About Design Moves

Design Moves is a Hybrid Marketing company based in Oakland Park FL, Fort Lauderdale Region of South Florida. Based on honesty and integrity, we provide solutions for a scope of industries both private and government.

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