
Design Moves Honors their #2018Biz Business Workshop speakers and sponsors from the South Florida Business Workshop Series

Design Moves Honors their #2018Biz Business Workshop speakers and sponsors from the South Florida Business Workshop Series

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Design Moves Honors their #2018Biz Business Workshop speakers and sponsors in Awards Ceremony + Power Panel 

The #2018Biz Free Business Workshop Series provided an opportunity for the community learning and networking amongst each other’s strengths and experiences through credible workshop speakers.


Oakland Park, FL: On February 25, 2019 Design Moves LLC hosted their #2018Biz Awards Ceremony and Power Panel to honor the speakers and sponsors from the #2018Biz South Florida Business Workshop Series held throughout last year. The sponsors and speakers assisted Design Moves efforts in being able to hold these free business workshops to empower entrepreneurs and have a positive impact on the local South Florida community. The awards celebration honored the speakers and sponsors, an event of positivity, learning, and gratitude provided for the amazing people involved in making these workshops happen.  


Amongst the speakers on being honored at the ceremony, Owner of Segura Information Technology, Daniel Segura said

“This has been such an amazing experience because I got the opportunity to meet so many good people. When we started to do these workshops it was all for the community and it so great to be able to bring together all of these individuals with amazing talents. We share each other’s gifts and knowledge because that’s what it is all about, sharing and giving. If you don’t share and give how can you have a good strong community? A strong community is what we have.”


The power panel consisted of 3 speakers who gave a briefing on what they do for a living, what motivates them, and experiences that have gotten them to considerable success in a point in their life. The panelist included Daniel Segura, president of Segura Instructional Technology, David Reece, president of National Sales Network, and Denny Hamann, writer, former veterinarian, and composer from Flying Pegasus. Each panelist spoke about their journey, entrepreneurship and gave advice to the audience about following their dreams.


The voting awards categories included the DeGeneres Award, Bloomberg Award, Sunshine Award, and Alfred Adler award. The Degeneres Award honored the workshop speaker with the highest energy.  The Bloomberg Award honored the most informative workshop speaker. The Sunshine award honored the most inspirational workshop speaker, and the Alfred Adler award honored the most interactive and community-involved workshop speaker.


The voting system for the awards was later taken by an online poll, and tracked back by previous Facebook Lives for those that did not attend the workshop for voting references. There were an astonishing 161 votes in total and we would like congratulate all of the winners and participants. The winner of the DeGeneres Award went to Daniel Segura, Bloomberg Award was given to Evan Snow, Sunshine Award was presented to Carol Boston, and the Alfred Adler Award went to Jane Bolin.


The sponsors involved in putting together the awards ceremony include Laninfo Tech, Segura Instructional Technology, Waheeda Designs, Urban Farming Institute, Felipe Rodriguez from Ask Olympus,  Jammin Express and artwork had been provided by Kalunda Janae.


“Marketing is so important and the quote “trust only movement, life happens at the level of events, not words, trust movement” is what really intrigued and inspired her to pursue finding out who Design Moves is and let her to this exact opportunity.” – Kalunda Janae

Having people believe in the Design Moves LLC’s vision and be willing to participate in the community’s growth and development is fundamental in establishing a relationship within the community. The host appreciated everyone’s involvement within this first series of events (one of many), and they look forward to continuing these business workshops to enrich the community with positive influences.

The first series of workshops were memorable and their next community projects will be phenomenal, stay tuned.