
Spring Cleaning your Marketing Techniques

Spring Cleaning your Marketing Techniques

We are almost a quarter into the new year. Have you thought about revamping your marketing strategy? It’s never too late to try something new, and there are a wealth of tactics you can use to switch up your marketing techniques.


Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. – Henry Ford


Last Year’s Stats

The best way to figure out where to focus your efforts is to study the results from the previous year.

  • What did and didn’t work for your marketing strategy last year?
  • Where did the bulk of traffic to your website gravitate to?
  • Which social media outlets encouraged the most interaction?

Don’t just aim for doing the same thing, however. Take your accomplishments from last year and figure out a way you can make those efforts bigger and better.

Mobile Marketing

Now, mobile marketing applications are one of the most important tools in a company’s arsenal. Consumers are using their devices to do shopping online. In terms of popularity, mobile search has beaten out desktop search. Time spent on mobile devices is increasing. Don’t get left behind!


Consistent Brand Experiences

Now is the era of the empowered customer. Your marketing has to work with resources in all areas to ensure a consistent brand experience at all points of the buyer’s journey. The right message must be delivered to the consumer at the right time. This will help your company to develop its connection with clients, and allow for the increase of loyal clientele over time.

Commit to Segmentation

It is important to note that a one size fits all approach does not work will all customers. These days, companies are tasked to commit to segmentation. Segmentation is the practice of dividing your customer base into groups based on similar characteristics. Companies must find out who their customers are and what they expect of the company or its products. Segmentation can help point out which customers hold the best return on market investments.

Repurpose Blog Content

When you make a blog post, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the only time you use that specific content. You can always take bits and pieces from the main idea from the blog post and shorten it to create snippets for your company social media pages. Use different formats, like a video or a podcast. You can also refresh old content by updating them with newer information.  

Try Video Content

People in this day and age want instant gratification and in the modern world, attention spans are getting shorter and shorter by the year. According to a 2015 survey by Animoto, four times as many consumers would rather “watch a video about a product than read about it.” And, “one in four consumers actually lose interest in a company if it doesn’t have video.” Try having a video on your website landing page, or instructional videos on how to use products to keep the attention of potential customers. Videos can also increase the conversation around your brand and website landing page.

Refocus on Social Media

Understanding what strategies worked for you last year should also apply to your social media content. What posts received the most interactions in the previous year? Look for what posts Brainstorm ways to improve posts that didn’t do so great. Be mindful of who you’re following and who’s following you. Unfollow anyone who doesn’t fit the mold of what you’re trying to create. Follow important voices in your industry and keep up with the changing trends.


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What are some other marketing tips to keep us fresh and new for the 2018 year?